For patients and clients

  • Education form
  • Locations
    Sweden & Norway
  • Duration
    6 weeks
  • Total Price
    3 699 NOK

Solid Back (Frisk Rygg)

Do you have back pain? Do you feel that your everyday life is minimized due to back pain? Be calm, research shows that 95% of back pain is harmless and 85-90% of this is often caused by lower back pain. There may be minor injuries such as a strain in a muscle, joint, or ligament. In this course, you gain new knowledge about the body and learn what you can do yourself to make your back stronger and pain-free.

Your efforts will give you a long-lasting effect!

What is covered?

With the help of screening (testing) of your physical status, you can create an individually adapted training plan that will give you the exercises and techniques needed to be able to take this with you after the end of the course. With new experiences and knowledge about your body, you will be better equipped to deal with any back problems in the future. The goal is of course not to get those symptoms back and stay healthy!

What's included?

  • 6 training hours with expert guidance together with an experienced trainer
  • 2 theoretical hours with the practical implementation of exercises, tips, and advice
  • 2 physical tests of balance and stability performed on a test platform (VALD Performance)
  • 1 Personal consultation with you as a participant

What you get

  • Knowledge and new insights  about how to deal with back pain and stay strong and healthy 
  • Discounts from byrizz partners 

Register for upcoming courses

byrizz™ On-site courses and workshops will be delivered in both Sweden and Norway. In the near future, you'll also be able to enroll in one of our courses digitally whenever and wherever you are.


Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of Learning programs are available?

Our courses will mainly be delivered on-site and we are working with online (e-learning courses) content that will be available in The byrizz™ Rehab & Performance application.

How do I find out which payment is best suited for me?

byrizz™ aims to make it easy for you when it comes to the practical issues around our courses. We will offer credit card payments as well as the opportunity to pay with the solutions Apple Pay, Swish (Sweden), and Vipps (Norway). 

How can I benefit from your e-Learning courses?

For several reasons! You will be able to access your courses with a computer, tablet, or smartphone; Wherever and whenever. 

Enroll in a course

Team byrizz™ is ready to share their long-term insights and experience at the highest levels with you! Enroll in one of our courses and invest in your knowledge!