The byrizz™ Rehab & Performance Podcast - Episode #7, 16 April 2021

Sports performance by examining physiological and biomechanical mechanisms - Prof. Øyvind B. Sandbakk

Prof. Øyvind Sandbak, NTNU Trondheim. Photo: Øyvind Sandbakk. 

Welcome to The byrizz Rehab & Performance Podcast, episode number seven. In this episode, I speak to Professor Øyvind Sandbakk. Øyvind combines high-quality research with scientific leadership, teaching, students' supervision, and innovative services in Norwegian elite sports. His main research focuses on integrative physiological and biomechanical analyses of sports performance, both in the laboratory and by utilizing new technology to understand these aspects in real-life environments further. Also, he investigates the effects of strength and endurance training on performance and performance-determining factors. Currently, he has published 120 scientific peer-reviewed publications, 90 scientific conference proceedings. In addition, he has written multiple books, book chapters, reports, conference proceedings in reports, and>200 oral presentations at public information research seminars and 180 popular science publications.  

Øyvinds current employment: 

  • Professor, Center for Elite Sports Research, Department of Neuromedicine and Movement Science, NTNU
  • Professor II, the School of Sports Sciences, UiT The Arctic University of Norway (UiT)

Øyvinds previous positions:

  • Head of Research and Development at the Norwegian Top Sports Centre (Olympiatoppen)
  • Managing Director, Centre for Elite Sports Research, NTNU

Other professional activities:

  • Chairman of the board for the Norwegian Cross-country Skiing Coach
  • Association Executive board member at the Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, the Norwegian Sports Tech and Sport Matters
  • Next Editor-in-chief (from 2021-) of the International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance


  • How has Cross-Country skiing evolve in the past decades?
  • Physiological Capacity and Training Routines of Elite Cross-Country Skiers
  • The history behind the Doctoral thesis by Guro Strøm Solli: The development process of the most successful winter Olympian in history - Marit Bjørgen
  • The Female Endurance Athlete - a research project led by the School of Sport Sciences at UiT The Arctic University of Norway

Øyvind can be reached and followed through social media on Twitter @OyvindSandbakk

The episode is in Norwegian and will be available on your favorite audible podcast resource from Friday the 16th of April!
This episode is sponsored by The byrizz™ Rehab & Performance application. The application gives you the continuity to reach your goals at any level, whenever, and wherever. The workouts, programs, and boot camps are made and customized to your needs and consist of trained therapists and strength & conditioning coaches with long experience in health and fitness. byrizz clients range from novice athletes to World Cup medalists and Olympians.
This episode is also brought to you in cooperation with Sparta Science. Sparta Science is the industry's gold standard for Force Plate Machine Learning that predicts, improves, and validates individual and team availability. With a simple two-minute scan per person, organizations increase fitness levels, prevent injuries, and accurately predict team readiness using the world's largest machine learning force plate database. For more information about Sparta Science, visit