The byrizz™ Rehab & Performance Podcast - Episode #15, 19 Nov 2021

The Elite athlete's relationship to nutrition - Linn Persson (Biathlon-SWE), Moa Lundgren (XC Ski-SWE) Martina Höök (Coach XC-skiing) and Michael Svensson (Assistant Prof. Umeå University)

Linn Persson Biathlon Sweden one of the best athletes of a great team competes in women’s sprint in the Biathlon season opening on November 13, 2021 in Idre. Photo: Bildbyrån.

Welcome to The byrizz Rehab & Performance Podcast episode number 15. In this episode, I had the pleasure to gather a strong panel consisting of both active athletes with coaches and researchers at the highest level when talking about a very actual and also for some, a sensitive issue, nutrition. This talk aims to reach both active athletes of different ages, from younger to older athletes, coaches regarding their relationship to nutrition. To optimize performance you need to eat, move and sleep. When these three objects are not in balance you'll encounter fatigue and your performance will be poorer. It's okay to not be in balance all the time but you then need to plan your nutrition, your training, and your sleep habits throughout a planed imbalanced period, which is a more intensive period of training. The panel will share their experiences within nutrition and the expert in this talk, assistant professor Michael Svensson will share his insights and knowledge with theoretical and practical advice having in mind the athletes and his own experiences with nutrition. 



  • What is durable performance?
  • Actual nutritional trends
  • What kind of experiences do the athletes have when it comes to nutrition habits?
  • Supplements in sports - can they optimize nutrition and performance?
  • What are the factors behind poor iron levels as a women athlete?
  • Tips and advice to athletes to get the best from nutrition.

Thanks to all guests for playing an important role to build this episode. You can follow them through social media at Linn Persson @ljmpersson, Moa Lundgren @moalundgreen, Martina Höök @martinahook and Michael Svennson @michael.svensson.

We wish both the @skiteamswexc and @svenskt_skidskytte all of the luck this upcoming season! 

The episode is in Swedish and will be available on your favorite audible podcast resource from the 19th of November.
This episode is sponsored by The byrizz™ Rehab & Performance application. The application gives you the continuity to reach your goals at any level, whenever, and wherever. The workouts, programs, and boot camps are made and customized to your needs and consist of trained therapists and strength & conditioning coaches with long experience in health and fitness. byrizz clients range from novice athletes to World Cup medalists and Olympians.
This episode is also brought to you in cooperation with Sparta Science. Sparta Science is the industry's gold standard for Force Plate Machine Learning that predicts, improves, and validates individual and team availability. With a simple two-minute scan per person, organizations increase fitness levels, prevent injuries, and accurately predict team readiness using the world's largest machine learning force plate database. For more information about Sparta Science, visit

Moa Lundgren, IFK Umeå and Swedish Cross Country Skiing National team competing at the 15 km under Alliansloppet in Trollhättan, 2021. Photo: Bildbyrån.